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To conveniently list all available commands and options, run:

kirbyup --help

And for more detailed information about the serve command:

kirbyup serve --help

kirbyup <file>

The <file> argument is the entry point of your Kirby plugin, i.e. your main JavaScript file. kirbyup will generate a minified and production-ready version of your plugin and save it in the current working directory.

--out-dir <dir>

The output directory to save the final Plugin bundle into. Defaults to the current working directory.

--watch [path]

Enables watch mode. If no path is specified, kirbyup watches the folder of the input file. Repeat --watch for multiple paths.

kirbyup serve <input>

--port <port>

The port for the development server to run on. Defaults to 5177.

--out-dir <dir>

The output directory where the plugin file read by Kirby is saved. Defaults to the project root.

--watch <path>

Specifies additional files that should be watched for changes, with changes causing the page to reload. Repeat --watch for multiple paths.


By default, kirbyup will watch all PHP files (./**/*.php) in the plugin directory and reload the page if it detects changes. Using --watch to set your own path overrides this setting, so you need to add the PHP glob explicitly if you want to keep the behavior: --watch ./my/files/* --watch ./**/*.php


Disables the default behavior of watching all PHP files for changes.